
ASD Applied Behavior Analysis Treatment in Ohio

Learn about Empower Autism and ABA Therapy. Does your child have Autism Spectrum Disorder? Signs and symptoms of Autism and Treatment Programs.

Empower Behavioral Health & Intervention offers ASD Applied Behavior Analysis treatment for children and adults with autism in Columbus, Sandusky, and Zanesville, Ohio, and their surrounding areas. Often considered the gold standard when treating autism, this method can teach your child the skills they need to succeed.

To learn more about ASD Applied Behavior Analysis therapy, reach out to our team of professionals today.

How Treatment Works

We use a variety of evidence-based therapy services to build skills that can be used at home, school, and in the community. We understand that each child is unique and has different skill levels, so our treatment can be personalized to meet each individual’s needs. Whether your child needs help with simple tasks like brushing their teeth or more complex goals like making friends, we are here to help.

ASD Applied Behavior Analysis therapy has been used for years to help individuals with autism improve their skills. Our priority is to provide an inviting atmosphere where children and adults with autism can develop skills and proper behavior through positive reinforcement.

How We Can Help

We have years of experience with multi-disciplinary therapy services and we are committed to those we work with. If you are looking for early intervention or transition programs, you’ll find just what you need at Empower Behavioral Health & Intervention. Give your child the tools they need to succeed by reaching out to us today.

In addition to our autism therapy services, we offer speech therapy and occupational therapy. Help your child communicate their needs and perform daily tasks with therapy tailored to meet their requirements. Each individual has different skills and we are here to help them live fulfilling lives.

To learn more about ASD Applied Behavior Analysis treatment from Empower Behavioral Health & Intervention, call 614-470-2018.


Autism Spectrum Disorder (commonly referred to as “Autism”) is a condition that is typically manifested early in life (typically by 24 months) by the following characteristics:

Problems with social interactions and communication

  • avoids eye contact
  • limited range of facial expressions
  • problems making or keeping friends
  • one-sided conversational style
  • absence of spoken language
  • limited use of gestures

Odd behavior

  • under or over-reactive to sensory input
  • resistance to changes in routine (insists on same food, clothing, etc.)
  • intense hobbies
  • restricted range of interests (fixates on objects)
  • repetitive movements (lining up objects)
  • repetitive speech (repeats “scripts” overheard from TV shows/movies)