Empower Behavioral
Health & Intervention

Engage, Encourage, Elevate, EMPOWER!

Our multidisciplinary approach ensures success in the home, school, and community. Since 2013.


Empower Behavioral Health & Intervention provides these three primary ways to access our services:  

1. Autism diagnosis and testing (via our Behavioral Health Clinic in Columbus, Ohio). We have immediate openings!

2. Center-based, full-day Autism therapies including ABA, Mental Health, Speech & OT, Transition Services, IEP- Services, etc. (via our Autism Intervention Center in Columbus, Ohio). We offer full and partial day placements as an alternative to public school. 

3. Home and community-based, hourly Autism therapies including one-on-one therapy, Case Management, Mental Health services, waiver-based HPC & transportation (via our Community Services primarily in Columbus and Sandusky, Ohio and their surrounding areas).   

Our evidence-based, multi-disciplinary therapy services ensure success in the home, school, workplace, and community.



Our Core Values:


  • We are transparent
  • We create plans with honesty & integrity
  • We value relationships


  • We are thought leaders
  • We accept change and adapt
  • We embrace technology


  • Everyday is an opportunity for progress
  • We value parent/family input


  • We empower clients to access their world
  • We empower staff to grow and achieve
  • We empower parents/families to take an active role

Our Vision & Mission:


We will be the organization that provides individuals with mental health and developmental disorders the opportunities to reach their fullest potential.


For those with mental health and developmental disorders, we provide evidence-based, multi-disciplinary therapy services that ensure success in the home, school, workplace, and community.

Therapy Services

  • Autism Diagnosis and Autism Testing for children up to age four
  • Full-day ABA Treatment
  • Mental Health services
  • Speech Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Case Management
  • Therapeutic Behavior Services
  • Waiver Respite Programs 

Autism Services

Empower has a team of specialists to help individuals with an autism spectrum disorder and their families. We specialize in providing comprehensive treatment and support services for children and young adults in the clinic, home, school, community, and at our own Autism Intervention Center in Columbus. Our team includes psychologists, Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs), speech therapists, Intervention Specialists, social workers, Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs), respite staff, and qualified mental and behavioral health providers.

Please explore the other areas of our website or call 614-470-2018 for more information. We accept private insurance, Medicaid, and many other forms of payment.